Thank you for writing this! If anything, the critique is all the more impactful since you show vulnerability (such an important quality) and that you initially "fell" for it yourself ^^ and the wider perspective that you bring, is so needed! We can only do this together.

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When I read “In its current form, AI can only ever reproduce the systems that created it,” my immediate response is “well, because the process is Super Computing (I refuse to use the term AI because of an acceptance of a concept I do not believe to be true—Super Computing is more realistic for me), it will always produce what we, its creators, put into it. Someone is kinda always programming something into these machines in particular ways. It is even more frightening, as you mention the erasure of history through its “imagined” state, what is happening with the US government and business as well as China in the rush to make super computing a much larger part of our lives. Good for you for writing this piece. I enjoyed reading it.

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